MDM-45 Mobile Drum Mix Plant | Asphalt drum mix plant exporter

MDM-45 mobile drum mix plant is used to get output of 40-60 TPH. It is very convenient mobile drum mix plant that is mounted in trailers. It can be easily driven to one place to other place as per requirement. It is a plant with facility of get, set and go.

It takes only few hours to make complete set-up for the production. Contractors working on varied projects are fond of the MDM-45 mobile drum mix plant. It works with low dust emission. Though it is a mobile unit, it offers homogeneous mixing of aggregate. It also provides the good feature like least fuel consumption.

It do not required crane for any of the function. It contains cables to interconnect the units. It is mounted in chasis. It is also pre-wired with cables, sockets and junction box.
