Asphalt Drum Mix Plant Exporter In China - Vinayak Construction

The manufacturing purpose of Asphalt Plant is to blend aggregates, asphalt and other additives at an elevated temperature to produce a homogeneous hot mix asphalt paving mixture, asphalt drum mix plant supplier, asphalt mix plant manufacture asphalt plant manufacturer, asphalt mixing plant 120 tph. Our Batch mix asphalt plant, asphalt batch mix plant, asphalt batching plant manufacturer, Asfalto planta de mezcla por lotes manufacturer are the most widespread type of asphalt plant in the world and their popularity lies in the fact that they guarantee top quality and maximum flexibility.

We are marked as well recognized manufacturer and exporter of asphalt drum mix plants of superior quality. it is an efficient road construction equipment that is profitably used in different cities like Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenyang, Harbin, Datong, Cixi, Panjin and many other cities.